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I will not ship directly to buyers,first i ship my item to my drop address and then my drop ship it to worldwide customers so there is no risk for you.
*I use KVM devices at various Western Union agents. Once i place my KVM on a
terminal, i technically have full agent control. Meaning i can transfer and also delete transactions on the Western Union Network.
Western Union Transfer Rates:
$1600 Transfer= $250
$2000 Transfer= $300
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Bank Logins rates:-
BALANCE IN CHASE 2K TO 4K price $300
BALANCE IN BOA 5K TO 15K price $400
BALANCE IN ABBEY price 5K TO 10k price $350
BALANCE IN HSBC price 5K TO 15k price $500
*** Price charge depending with the balance in the account**
$2000 Transfer =$300
$2500 Transfer =$350
$3500 Transfer= $450
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$8000 Transfer =$750
$10,000 Transfer =$850
For Bank Transfer info needed;
1: Account Number:
2: Iban Or Swift Code Or Routing Number Or Sort Code:
3: Bank Name:
4: Account holders name
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$6000 Transfer =$650
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